Finally, the
sounds are being added slowly but surely. If you have a sound that you
would like to here on the site please email it to me. For now you will
need flash to hear these whistles. If you have trouble getting these
sounds please contact me and I'll send you a .wav file of any you would like to
Single notes
C&O from 1488 at Cass
Scenic Railroad
Whistle" Homemade - Keep in mind that I'm 300-400 yards away!
3 Chimes
KCS whistle at
Cass Scenic Railroad
Lunkenheimer 5" B.I.V.
C&O from 4-4-0 Class
Chime Excitement Lunkenheimer
Crosby -
5 Chimes
6 Chimes
Nathan 6 Chime
(turned down on lathe.)